CMCP-5 is an advanced, machine-learning/evidence-based mental condition assessment that simultaneously quantifies a person’s predisposition and probabilities toward Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD and Alcoholism. CMCP-5’s overarching objective is to produce better patient outcomes by helping improve diagnostic and prescription accuracy* where Psychiatrists are not readily available and psychotropic drug prescriptions are being considered.
CMCP-5 features:
- uses objective data – not based on subjective, error-prone patient self-reports such as PHQ-9, GAD-7, PCL-5, Y-BOCS, etc., (CMCP-5 can be used adjunctively with these subjective scales);
- low-bias – assessments are guided by multiple psychiatric expert opinions rather than being based on a single opinion;
- highly-informed – involves extensive, objective biometric variables including DNA expressions, childhood experiences, parenting styles, illnesses, traumas, diet, allergies, life events, lifestyle choices and more;
- calibration/corroboration by EEG/DNA Snps/alleles means CMCP-5 assessments do not require patient EEG or DNA data;
- deep analysis and validation – machine-learning correlation and algorithmic corroboration validated by Clinical Study results;
- simultaneous assessments – all five assessments are generated in real time in the same session – no duplication of effort;
- automated EMR record updating.
The CMCP-5 Depression module is available to EMRs with access to OceanMD’s Forms library, including PS Suite, MedAccess, Accuro and OscarPro. The CMCP-5 Depression module is free, with the entire suite of Conditions available on an annual subscription basis.
*Source: Johns Hopkins and National Library of Medicine